Saturday, July 29, 2017

Greetings from Moutn Agamenticus

I skipped work this past Friday (my boss won’t even notice I am missing) and went on a day trip to York, Maine. On cold winter’s night in the burrow my grandmother use to tell us grand kids about some distant cousins in the family who were known as “cliff dwelling chipmunks.” We would listen intently to the stories of their dare deviling rock climbing exploits on steep cliffs without safety ropes. Supposedly these cousins lived on “Mount Agamenticus” in someplace called York in the State of Maine. So, I decided to see the place that inspired all of these tall tales and family legends.

In the old days, folks had to hike miles from York village to the mountain. Today, I just took the auto road to the top. The views from the top are spectacular. In the photo below, you see York village and the ocean beyond it. I was hiking around the top of the summit and found one the high cliff that must be the place the family legends were based upon. I thought the cliff face and tall hemlock trees on top would make a dramatic black & white photo. I framed my shot and click the shutter. I took my eye from the viewfinder and spied some movement three quarters of the way up the cliff. I quickly zoomed in, and, what did I see? A cliff dwelling chipmunk. They really do exist!

As you can imagine they are rather shy and a bit elusive.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hanging Loose on the Dog Days of Summer

With a few exceptions, this summer has been cool and rainy most of the time. That changed this week. The heat and humidity has arrived. Boy has it been hot and muggy. We squirrels and chipmunks wear a fur coat even on the hottest days of summer. This seems like a crazy idea but we can’t take them off! How do we keep cool? When it gets too hot we find a cool shaded spot and just spread out.

Here is Bushy spread eagle on an old stump.

Well, this is my idea of just “hanging out” on a hot summer day.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Where is Chippy?

This is Bushy. I am writing this week’s blog post. I got a frantic call last night from Chippy’s blog editor. Chippy missed his submission deadline and wasn’t answering his cell phone. The editor asked if I would write the blog post instead. I told her no problem. I decided to try and find Chippy. I checked his burrow and he wasn’t home. I searched around the woodpile and looking in all his favorite hiding spots. No sign of him. I checked the local watering hole, the Blackbird Tavern and none of his friends have seen him. I checked all the bird feeders he likes to raid for sunflower seeds and they were still full of seeds. Our feathered friends were happy about that. Where could Chippy have gone? I finally realized there was one place I hadn’t checked. The last place I would expect to find Chippy. So, I grabbed the camera and set out for the “Dog House.” I quietly setup the camera, and had my paw on the shutter button, and gave a loud shout out for Chippy. Out he came, and I snapped a photo. Boy was it a “priceless” moment! See for yourself.

The dog house has no TV, internet or phone service. Chippy was none too happy about it. Although he did bring plenty of snacks to get him through the duration of his confinement. I am always joking with Chippy that his stunts and pranks would land him in the dog house someday. Hard to believe it caught up with him. Judge Crankshaft sentenced him to forty-eight hours in the dog-house for his paparazzi photos of the Phoebe family.

I have to sign off. I want to show everyone at the woodpile this photo!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Paparazzi Chippy

It will probably not surprise you to learn my heroes are the famous paparazzi chipmunk photographers whose photos can be found in Woodpile Glamour magazine. I love to read about all the famous chipmunks and other critters in Hollywood. I have been studying their photos to discover their secrets to getting up close to celebrities. I thought I would test out my skills by taking secret photos of the Phoebe family.

We chipmunks are naturally excellent climbers. It should be easy to climb up and take some photos of the nest and babies. Here is a sampling of my best photos.

Mr. Phoebe

Mrs. Phoebe

Two hungry baby birds

They grow up fast. This fellow is just about to leave the nest.

Mr. & Mrs. Phoebe are now officially "empty nesters"

Mr. and Mrs. Phoebe were not very appreciative. Here I am about to make them famous through my blog and they are squawking and diving bombing me like I some common backyard pest.

Hold on a moment, I hear someone at the burrow door. … Okay, I am back. It was some dude from the Woodpile District Court who handed me a bunch of papers and told me I had been “served.” Served what? Obviously not sunflower seeds.

The paperwork says something about having to appear before a judge to answer charges of invasion of privacy, disturbing the peace, and harassment of the Phoebe family. What? I am a “news photographer,” I am protected by the 1st amendment. Right? Well, at least that is what I read in “How to be Your Own Lawyer in Five Easy Lessons.”

This can’t be good. I have to appear before Judge Crookshanks the Cat. She is tougher than Judge Judy! I hear she eats chipmunks for breakfast.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

4th of July Picnic (Chipmunk Style)

I decided to celebrate the 4th of July with a picnic. I invited friends and family to join me. I spared no expense on food and drink. I wanted this to be the best picnic ever.

Wow, what a spread! I have really outdone myself this time.

This is my friend Spot. She is enjoying a plate of sunflower seed snacks.
Here comes my cousin Vinnie.

Vinnie loves my snack plate. He lapped it clean!

 With the snack plate empty, Spot decided to see what I packed in the basket.

 Hey mom, can I jump in the basket too?

 I decided I better replenish the snack plate before Jr. turned the basket upside down playing in it.

[Spot] What a head on this ale. Wait a moment, what is in the bottle? Hey Chippy, lets open the good stuff.  [Chippy] I am saving the Guiness for later. Why don’t you just enjoy the American ale I already poured.

 [Chippy] Vinnie why are you hanging upside down? [Vinnie] Everything seems to be spinning out of control. Am I going up the log? Or down the log? I am feeling a little tipsy. That’s some really strong ale you got ... hiccup ... [Chippy] I calling you a taxi.

It is the end of the picnic and everyone has gone home to their burrows. Time to open the good stuff!