Saturday, November 24, 2018

Sanctuary City

Chippy is away on official Woodpile business (I will explain shortly). Since we have both been involved in the Woodpile’s top secret hush-hush humanitarian (or more correctly critteritarian)  project, the job of bringing everyone up to speed has fallen to me.

I should properly introduce myself to all of you. I am Chippy’s cousin. I am not big on fancy titles or formal names … folks just call me Vinnie the P. The “P” stands for philosopher. At some point along my interesting life and career, I picked up a couple of Ph.D.s one in physics and the other in philosophy. I currently teach at the Four Paws University. Yes, I teach some of those required science and liberal arts courses which are the bane of every freshman, whether they have two legs or four. I also teach the most popular class in the 465 year history of the university. No, I not stroking my own ego. In fact this class is a lot of work. Try grading 221 mid-terms. You don’t care about that, you want to know what the class is about. It is called “Introduction to Training Humans.” Yes, you read that correctly. Next time you bring out a handful of peanuts to that “cute cuddly” chipmunk or “poor starving” squirrel, you have met one of my students. Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re a well trained and obedient human. Here at the Woodpile we have the humans trained to stack the wood, bring us fresh water daily, serve us sunflower seeds on command, and rake up the sunflowers shells.

I am getting side tracked. You really want know about the hush-hush critteritarian project. As Chippy told you last week, we serve a vegetarian Thanksgiving meal. We find the idea of cooking our dear friends the turkeys and serving them for dinner a terrible idea. We established the Woodpile as a “Sanctuary City” for those turkeys fleeing the butcher knife. The President only pardons one turkey a year. Someone had to save the rest of them. We are sheltering hundreds of turkeys at the Woodpile. We did hit one small snag, Chippy underestimated how much food was needed to feed that many turkeys. He is busy “requisitioning” additional supplies.

Don’t feel guilty about the “turkey” you had at Thanksgiving dinner. It was likely one our vegetarian turkey substitutes made from soy and wheat.

If you ran into holiday traffic, it might have been caused by turkeys en route to the Woodpile.

This turkey has reached the safety of the Woodpile's border wall.

Our border patrol unit to keep hunters out

"Thank you Chippy and Vinnie the P."

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thanksgiving Celebration for a Bountiful Harvest

I have gotten a number of inquiries from my fans as to whether we celebrate Thanksgiving at the Woodpile or not. For many of our bird brethren across the country, it is a national day of mourning for their fellow turkeys. Rather than dwell on the negative, we have taken positive action here at the Woodpile. … Hold on, my cousin Vinnie the P. is telling me it is “top secret” and I can’t talk about it til after Thanksgiving. Tune in next week for more details.

Yes, we have a celebration to be thankful for the bountiful harvest Nature has provided [and certain nice humans have supplied us – Thanks Mom]. At last count, I believe the Woodpile has stored or consumed about 300 pounds of sunflower seeds, 250 pounds of cracked corn, and hundreds of acorns. We’ll be munching on those all winter. So, for Thanksgiving we like to serve a special vegetarian meal. Everyone’s favorites are squash seeds and corn on the cob! The best part, there is no cooking or cleanup. I bet you’re jealous right about now.

The Woodpile wishes you and your family a joyous Thanksgiving celebration. Don’t forget to leave a plate of goodies for your neighborhood furry critters and feathered friends.

As you’ve already heard about in a previous blog post, Mrs. Spot LOOOOOVES corn on the cob.

Mrs. Spot, “Nothing more satisfying then full cheeks.”

“Chippy, that is not funny, please turn off the spot light.”

“Oh boy, I found another uneaten corn on the cob.”

“Here comes my relatives, time to hide the corn.”

“I find eating it row by row is the most efficient method.”

“Good to the last kernel”

“All this food has given me a mighty thirst.”

Bushy has excellent table manners

Unfortunately his younger brother is a total party animal (what a disgrace)

 The squash is really popular this year. I thought I would sneak 
from under the table slats to avoid the competition.

Which half do a I choose?

This is really good

You know, Bushy’s brother has the right idea – 
who cares about table manners, time to stuff my face!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Mother Lode

Well, it is my 100th blog post. Yes, go ahead and say what your thinking, "I never thought Chippy would last this long with his blog. How much can that little fur ball really chat about." Sorry to disappoint you, I am still going strong like the Energizer Bunny!

Most folks celebrate a 100th with a party. Not very original. I wanted something spectacular, something no other chipmunk has ever accomplished.

"The Mother Load"

Mom likes to feed the birds. She buys sunflower seeds by the #50 bag. According to legend, the seed is kept in a secure metal tin covered at all times. Each new generation of chipmunks hears the stories of the Fort Knox of sunflower seeds. Every chipmunk has daydreamed about getting into it at one time or another. The exact location of Fort Knox has been lost for many years. Spot found it by accident when she helped herself to the corn on the cob meal a few weeks ago. It is on Mom’s porch of all places.

Now that I know about the secret passageway into the porch thanks to Spot, I am devising a plan to break-in. I have been carefully observing Mom’s daily routine of feeding the birds from a branch with good views of the interior of the porch. I have noticed that Mom feels secure with the screen door and leaves the cover off the sunflower seed bucket while feeding the birds. I have also noted that every few days she takes in the suet feeder for a good scrubbing. This leaves about a fifteen minute window of opportunity to get in and out undetected.

In preparation I been studying all of the greatest heist movies ever made. In the movies most robberies are done by a “gang” with each member having a special skill. The downside is usually one member of the gang gets caught or double crosses the other members. So, I have decided to go solo on this.

Obviously, I can’t haul off a lot of loot in fifteen minutes. My genius plan is to make it so the cover can’t close tight. Then I flip the cover off and haul it away when Mom is not home. It was a brilliant plan and I was able to empty the tin completely. But …

Alas, I made one mistake. I watched the old robbery films. If I had studied some of the new films, I would have known to disable the surveillance cameras. I got caught on camera and Mom made me put every last seed back in Fort Knox.

Here are some stills from the surveillance cameras of what was almost the greatest heist in chipmunk history and what has become the greatest blunder in chipmunk history.

Okay, now I am in, time to load up

Have you ever seen so many sunflower seeds in one place. It is the Mother Lode!

I swear I am being watched but I don’t see anything

Hey guys, Chippy just left, come on up and check this out.

Chipmunk heaven

Surveillance camera

The greatest heist in Chipmunk history ... almost