I hope you caught my campaign ad from a couple of weeks ago. No, this is not some sort of joke, I am really running for president. I know what you’re thinking four pawed critters don’t qualify. I read the Constitution and discovered there is no requirement that the president has to be a human being. Check for yourself.
What am I campaigning for?
(1) Equal rights for all critters
(2) Quadrupling U.S. production of sunflower seeds
(3) All backyards will be required to have birder feeders
(4) Tax break for critter families making less than 400,000 seeds per year
(5) Exempting imported Guinness beer from all tariffs and taxes
Here is an interesting fact, it turns out you only have to be a U.S. citizen to register to vote. Since all of us critters were born in the U.S. it makes citizens. The Woodpile set up a polling place for early voting.
Town clerk setups up directional signs at the polling place
The clerk and her assistant setup a sample ballot
After some final adjustments, everything is ready to go
Quite a line formed before the polls officially opened
This ‘munk is excited to be voting in her first election as a registered voter
This fella forgot his reading glasses and had to look at the poster size ballot.
I need a new marker to fill out the ballot. The last voter [a woodchuck] chewed it up.
So many choices and my vote could decide the entire election!
Social distancing and paw washing were mandatory.
The constable is on the lookout for any trouble
The constable chased off a teenager up to no good. He confiscated an exploding black marker from the local joke and gag shop.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to hold early voting on Halloween. Trick-or-treat was cancelled due to the pandemic and the kids decided to “protest” by playing tricks. This unsuspecting voter is about to get a bowl of gooey chocolate covered seeds dumped on him by the kid hiding behind the ballot poster!
A short video from the polls