Saturday, October 1, 2022

Secrets of the Pumpkin Patch

In the previous post, I left off my investigation of Archie and Merry’s secret project with more questions than answers. I have some news to report.

I found a trail of discarded sunflower seed shells and followed it to another plot in the community garden. I was a surprised to find Archie and Merry’s name on the registration for the plot. I was even more surprised to discover, they had used some fake human credentials to get them themselves a plot. What were they growing? Sunflowers? Nope. They had themselves a pumpkin patch. No ordinary pumpkin patch at that. It was a giant pumpkin patch. It seems that the two of them were intent on winning the giant pumpkin growing contest at the Topsfield Fair. They were trying to decide which one to enter. There was rather lively disagreement going on.

I got to hand it to them, they went “big” with their patch. There were pumpkins everywhere I looked.

I don’t know how they found their way around. The patch was as dense as a rainforest. (For my human fans, look at it from our perspective at 3 inches off the ground). For obvious reasons, one can’t just hack ones way through this “jungle”. 

Merry and Archie spent an hour estimating the weight of their pumpkins. Frustratingly all of them were coming out lighter than their competitors. They were ready to give up. Archie encouraged Merry to check one more pumpkin hidden under the leaves.

They started to clear the vegetation away to get a better look.

They were surprised to discover the pumpkin was long, very long and very heavy. Heavy enough to make their competition jealous.

Merry whispers to Archie, “I heard some rustling noises in the patch. I think we have a spy. Lets sneak up and catch him or her.” Oops, I think I better get out of here before I am caught! Too late …They were relieved to find it was just me rather than their competitors.

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