Sunday, November 27, 2022

Critter Moonshot

NASA has revived its moon landing space program. One aspiring chipmunk, Henry, applied to their astronaut program. Henry has advanced degrees in engineering and astronomy, and has his pilot's license. Sounds like great credentials. Not to mention he is about 150x lighter than the average human astronaut. Less weight is always a good thing for space flight. Sadly, his application was declined.

Henry wasn’t discouraged. He had a backup plan. He was bound and determined to be the first four legged critter to land on the moon. Using an astronomy app on his smartphone, he discovered that the crescent moon would rise directly behind the Woodpile. All he had to do was hop on. The timing would be tricky but not impossible.

Before my loyal fans started sending emails explaining the moon orbits the earth at a distance between 225,000 and 253,000 miles away and such a feat is impossible … please review the photographic evidence first. Us ‘munks are capable of some really amazing things.

Henry scouts out the best place to leap from the Woodpile to the moon.

 After waiting patiently the big moment has arrived.

But he discovers his calculations are off by two tail lengths and he needs to scramble to reposition himself.

It is now or never!


He has two paws on the moon but he hold on?

He has done it! “One small step for critter, one giant leap for critter kind.”


Five minutes later, Henry leaped off the moon and made a successful “splashdown” at the Woodpile.


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